I spent a lot of time over the last few months working on cleaning out my closet and organizing my wardrobe. Now the hard part is trying to keep it organized. I’ve built up a great wardrobe full of both classic pieces and trendy ones but without organization I know I’ll end up wearing the same handful of outfits every day. It happens to me anytime I let my closet get disorganized. So this time I planned ahead.
First, I kicked Matt out of the master closet. Don’t worry, he’s not living in the garage or anything. I bought a wardrobe for his clothing. Face it, he has about a quarter of the clothing that I do so he doesn’t need much space. I, on the other hand, need the whole closet. Bonus- now I don’t have to hear him complain about my clothes taking over the closet and strangling his suits.
Second, I downloaded an app called Stylebook to help me keep organized. I was able to create categories for my wardrobe and catalog every thing I own. I’m still in the process of taking pictures and adding items but I already love this app. And it’s already saved me money! I was out shopping the other day and saw some fabulous black pants on sale but I couldn’t remember if I had a pair like them already. I checked the app and sure enough, I had a very similar pair in my closet. Boom. Saved $24.98!
Third, I plan my outfits for the week ahead of time. If I leave it until the morning to decide what to wear I’ll leave the house in jeans and a tee every day with sneakers. By planning my week ahead of time I can look at my calendar and see what days I have meeting and appointments and pick an outfit accordingly.
Fourth, I pin new outfits all the time as a source of inspiration to help me break out of my comfort zone. I’m not one of those people who can just pick pieces out of my closet and make a fantastic outfit. I do better with visual inspiration. So Pinterest has been great for me and my style board is busting at the seams with outfit ideas I want to try.
It’s been so much fun doing this series over the last 31 Days. I’ve enjoyed putting together new outfits and feeling like a grown up for a change. I was sad that my 31 Days was coming to end so I made an executive decision. I will be keeping it going as a regular series on the blog. Every Friday I plan to post the outfits I wore that week. Some weeks it might be 2 outfits and some weeks it might be 5 outfits. I’m hoping this will keep me accountable to actually wear the clothes in my closet instead of falling back into the old habit of jeans and a plain tee.
Next Friday will be my first regular Budget Mom Style Weekly Post so stay tuned!
You can see all the posts in my 31 Day Series HERE.